Vet Tech Schools in Indiana

You can qualify to get a license to practice as a veterinary technician (vet tech) in Indiana from an accredited vet tech school. Vet tech schools in Indiana have to be accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). You are also required to have passed the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE).  Once you have […]

Vet Tech Schools in Florida

If you want to become a veterinary technician (vet tech) in Florida you need to have qualified from one of the right vet tech schools and to have passed the right exams. The vet tech school you attend must be accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). The other requirement is that you have […]

Vet Tech Schools in California

If you want to become a veterinary technician (vet tech) in California there are two possible routes.  The first is to qualify from one of a number of accredited vet tech schools in California and to have passed the relevant California state exam. The second route (the Alternate Route) is to complete a combination of […]

Vet Tech Schools in Ohio

If you wish to become a veterinary technician (vet tech) in Ohio there are a number of vet tech schools in Ohio where you take your diploma course in Animal Health Technology for qualification as a vet tech. To qualify to get a license to practice as a vet tech the school has to be […]

Vet Tech Schools in Arizona

To become a veterinary technician (vet tech) in Arizona you can seek the graduate qualification from a number of vet tech schools in Arizona. To get a license to practice as a vet tech the school has to be accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) or the Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board […]

Becoming a Vet Tech – Helpful Tips

There are some people who simply melt when they see animals or have their hearts broken when they encounter sick or injured animals. Do you care deeply enough to want to help? If you do care, the perfect way to help is to become a veterinary technician. As a career path, you could not have […]

Average Vet Tech Salary

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes regularly statistics on the Average Veterinary Technician (Vet Tech) Salary.  Its latest published figures relate to May 2010.  The national average vet tech salary was $14.92 per hour or an average annual salary of just over $31,000. The annual salary is estimated on the basis of a 40 […]

Vet Tech Schools in Iowa

If you want to become a veterinary technician (vet tech) in Iowa you need to have qualified from one of the right vet tech schools and to have passed the right exams. The vet tech school you attend must be accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) or the Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine […]

Vet Tech Employment

The prospects for Veterinary Technician (Vet Tech) employment in the next few years are encouraging.  There is evidence of increasing demand for veterinary care as pet owners become prepared to spend more on the welfare of their pets.  Even in recent recessionary times there is little sign of demand for vet services diminishing. Employment prospects […]

Certified Vet Tech programs

Potential students wishing to become veterinary technicians (vet techs) can choose one of two levels of certified vet tech programs to achieve the relevant qualification.  The first level is a two year course in an accredited school leading to an associate of science degree in veterinary technology and the other is a 4 year course […]